Monday, October 3, 2011


I am often reminded of how stressful the job of a teacher is; too many times you are not just a teacher. You are a mother, a father, a friend, a mentor, a comedian, an entertainer, a disciplinary force, a provider, a helper, a listener... need I go on?

Without appreciation, I do not believe teachers could survive.
Last week was homecoming week, oh what an adventure it was too.

There were plenty of days that were stressful; students were allowed to "break the rules" and come dressed as whatever they came up with the previous night.

There was: twin/duo day, old & young day, sports/career day, class color day, and chief day.

The outfits were great and the students all had a wonderful time being their unique selves.

One student that touched my heart was on sports/career day. This sweet girl was dressed up, very nicely that day. As usual, I would ask who that person was portraying for that particular day and when I came to this girl, I was surprised by her answer.

"Well, who are you today?"
"I dressed as you today Ms. Brandon! I am a teacher!"

She even had my pointed toe, stiletto heels on. :)

Sometimes, ones greatest compliment is the soul who desires to recreate you. If only for a moment, they honor you, and she did.

While students should appreciate their teachers, teachers should also appreciate their students and recognize the amazing feats that they accomplish.

While the excitement of last week was crazy, the two girls who helped me in the emergency with the student deserved some recognition for what they had done. I decided to call home.

I did not receive any answer from either student; therefore, I left a message on the machine and went about my way.

The next day I was standing at the door waiting for all the students to enter class for first block when one of the girls who I had called home for came outside with me in the hallway. She began to explain that her mom had called her yesterday.

"Ms. Brandon, my mom called me and told me you had called. We talked about what happened, and I told her everything. My mom started crying and told me she was proud of me, and she told me she probably would have never been able to do what I did. But she just kept telling me she was proud of me the whole time.

Thanks for calling Ms. Brandon."

Appreciation says it all.

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