Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Two AM and I have become best friends.
Well, best friends may be too strong of words---fri-enemies?

More like it.

Sometimes I wish I taught night classes but I know I would then wish I could teach morning ones.  Haha. I am so contrary at times; never do I decide what I want.

To catch you up to speed, school is going exceptionally well in comparison to the past semester and I am feeling pretty good about the new students I have gained.

Matt and I are still enjoying the roller coaster of our first year of marriage and we are learning new things everyday.

Readers, keep me accountable. I really want to get back into shape so I downloaded couch to 5k. If I do not begin to talk about my progress, let me know!!! I need help, motivation, encouragement, and a way to keep cokes only diet. :) we can dream!!

Thanks for those of you who read my silly blog (Allie & some random German)   I appreciate and lovey readers (you two) more than you know!!

Till next 2 am insomnia blog inspired writing! ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Well, i guess i too will fall into the ills of social media pressure and write my happenings of 2012. it was such great year why not? :)

-I finished my first year of teaching.
-Had my first surgery ever? haha
-Moved into my first apartment with a boy!
-Celebrated my niece's first birthday :)
-Watched my brother get his junior ring.
-Was married to my best friend.
-Had *in my opinion* the best wedding ever!
-Watched 3 great friends get married.
-Traveled to Florida with my husband.
-Finally met Cinderella.
-Started my second year of teaching.
-Developed deeper friendships with co-workers.
-Validated friendships with old friends.
-Created new friendships with special friends.
-Kicked out of a place i'd never thought i'd be hahaha
-Traveled to Mississippi with my husband.
-Had a first & last dance with my dad :)
-Celebrated 4th of July--Disney style!
-Plenty of firsts experiences in life.
-turned 24.
-Ended the year with the flu ;)

There's many things I don't think I'd want to list for everyone's enjoyment but these are the few for sure that have touched my heart. In retrospect, 2012 i feel like I started to live. I guess this means 2013 will be the year i soar.


Sunday, December 30, 2012


Alas, this semester at school has ended. Although I had become quite fond of something of those students, time came for them to flutter off to bigger and better things.

I believe that hind sight is always 20/20 and only then do you have a picture of how things could have been improved or played out better.

typically, this cycle of thoughts stay with me and help me to improve on the next upcoming angels I may or may not have.

upon looking back, i learned many things from these teens. some was the typical: you are becoming better at your job; it just takes time kind of lesson. others not so much.

as terrible as i believe one particular block to be, i look back with pride knowing that "i got this" and i have more endurance and patience because of them. my only hope, my only wish is that they learned something from me. not out of my own conceit, but out of a desperate hope for their future. i sincerely and utterly hope that the direction they are going is not the direction that they continue in life. my heart truly breaks at the thought that they come through, not just my class, but school to learn nothing but scheming, games, and drama. my hope is that they see there is more to life.

as for me, i do think that many problems are 50/50 each person plays a role in the situation. there is more that i need to understand with the students. i believe that setting the bar too low and no expecting them to surpass it is a great defeat that I caused for this particular group.  i need to remember that each student has the potential to be an Enstein. my job is not only to make sure they can *see* that, but to foster and reveal that to them as well.

here's to next semester! and may it be better for everyone.