Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleep. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Two AM and I have become best friends.
Well, best friends may be too strong of words---fri-enemies?

More like it.

Sometimes I wish I taught night classes but I know I would then wish I could teach morning ones.  Haha. I am so contrary at times; never do I decide what I want.

To catch you up to speed, school is going exceptionally well in comparison to the past semester and I am feeling pretty good about the new students I have gained.

Matt and I are still enjoying the roller coaster of our first year of marriage and we are learning new things everyday.

Readers, keep me accountable. I really want to get back into shape so I downloaded couch to 5k. If I do not begin to talk about my progress, let me know!!! I need help, motivation, encouragement, and a way to keep cokes only diet. :) we can dream!!

Thanks for those of you who read my silly blog (Allie & some random German)   I appreciate and lovey readers (you two) more than you know!!

Till next 2 am insomnia blog inspired writing! ;)

Sunday, November 4, 2012


i just thought about something the other day.

we live, most times, our lives by "wishing for just one more hour" or "more time in the day."  yet, every year we are "given" that extra hour.. kinda (I know we get it back later, but still we are given that extra hour..)

but, what do we do with it? Sleep.

hmm. makes sense why sometimes we feel we get nothing out of life. we "sleep" through the extra parts or the important times we are given.

yesterday, i realized that i did not even notice that the leaves had started to change colors. shame on me for that! i hope i live my life never forgetting to notice the change of colors in the leaves anymore.